29 Aug 2024
Drawing from Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, we've crafted delicious breads to inspire you with flavorful creations. The tunnbröd, meaning "thin bread" in Swedish, has deep roots as a traditional flatbread born out of the practical need for long-term storage. Originally made from barley flour, salt, and water, without fermentation, it was crafted by pouring dough on a stone, lifting it with a stick, and folding it into four parts. Nowadays, the tunnbröd has evolved into a diverse range of varieties, with regional distinctions and ingredient additions. Beyond its original composition, modern versions may incorporate combinations of wheat, barley, and rye, along with the addition of flavorful seeds such as anise, caraway, and fennel.
Make sure to wrap the bread in a damp cloth or in plastic when it is still warm.
The flat rye pocket breads represent a variation of the beloved 100% rye flour and sourdough breads, ranking among the most popular bread choices in Finland.
Discover Finnish pocket breads, a versatile and tasty choice for families! Typically crafted from a blend of rye and wheat flours, pocket breads also come in oat versions.
The ruisreikäleipä, translating to "rye hole-bread", is a popular traditional Finnish bread.
Originating from Hönö, a small island off the west coast of Sweden, this flatbread is known for its sweetness and a soft, light texture reminiscent of cakes. It has become a beloved treat for many in Sweden.
In Swedish artisan bakeries, a prevalent sight is the classic sourdough bread (surdegsbröd in Swedish), frequently crafted from a base of rye sourdough.
Rundstykkers (Danish breakfast bread rolls), commonly translated as “round pieces”, are the Danish morning treat mostly eaten during the weekends.
The rugbrødsbolle, akin to a "bun" version of the traditional Danish rye bread (rugbrød), is designed for individual consumption and serves as an excellent base for sandwiches.