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Sapore constitutes a range of sourdough and other solutions based on fermentation that offer a natural, traditional and differentiating taste and structure to finished baked products.

Product description

  • Range of ready to use sourdough products
  • Gives bread flavour, texture and consistent quality

Taste, health and freshness – the top priorities of bread lovers everywhere – are all improved by the use of fermentation. But some fermentation go further than others.

More than 25 years of sourdough expertise at Puratos, using different cereals and flours, a wide variety of microorganisms and fermentation methods, come together in Sapores’ high-quality solutions. They give you the flexibility to choose the taste and structure of all your finished baked products from tasty quality bread to the real pain-au-levain. Sapore helps you to renovate and allows you to differentiate your existing range of baked goods.

Health & Well-Being
Clean(er) label

"At Puratos, we believe that the future of bread lies in its past"

Sapore product ranges include


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O-tentic, is the start of all your exceptional breads with just 4 ingredients: flour, water, salt and O-tentic. Just as in the past.



Ready-to-use sprouts, whole grains and seeds infused with sourdough


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Flat rye pocket bread

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