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Our Organisation

Our Organization

Puratos’s journey began in 1919, just over a hundred years ago. What started as a father and son operation, evolved into a successful international business. Our company now offers a full range of cutting-edge services and ingredients to customers in the bakery, patisserie, and chocolate industry worldwide.

People have always been at the heart of what we do, and whether it’s working with artisans, industrial companies and retailers, or food-service enterprises of any size, we’re ready to take the next steps toward a better world together.

Learn more about how we support your success, and how together, we can grow our positive impact by creating innovative food solutions for the health and well-being of people everywhere.

Puratos today

10678 Employees in the world

10678 Employees in the world

1252 R&D researchers and technical advisors

1252 R&D researchers and technical advisors

2.2% of revenue invested in R&D

2.2% of revenue invested in R&D

Subsidiaries in 84 countries

Subsidiaries in 84 countries

75 production units in 52 countries

75 production units in 52 countries

Puratos products are available in 135 countries

Puratos products are available in 135 countries

119 Innovation centers around the world

119 Innovation centers around the world

€3.1B Net Sales

€3.1B Net Sales

Evolutionof the annual turnover (in Million €)

Net debt

Evolution of EBITDA (in Million €)


Our Way of Acting

At Puratos, we help customers be successful with their business, by turning technologies and experiences from food cultures around the world into new opportunities. Together, we improve the lives of people and protect the planet.

Our History

From humble beginnings to worldwide success, join us on our journey and discover our history and heritage.