23 Oct 2023
Whip the Tegral Castella, eggs and honey for approximatly 8 minutes on highs peed (Density between 40-43). Add the oil and mix for 1 minute on slow speed. Pipe the batter in a 20-30cm frame covered with bakingpaper and bake. When the castella is cold cut cirkels out of 3,5cmØ and freeze.
Whip the Passionata until it has a firm texture. Pipe in a small semi-spherical shape mold and freeze.
Bring the milk to a boil. Mix the sugar and CPT. When the milk is boiling, add the mixture of sugar and CPT and mix well. Bring the full mixture back to boil and let cook for 2 minutes. Add the Classic Mango CL and the presoaked gelatine and mix well. Pour on a tray and cover with plastic foil to cool down. Whip the passionata until it has a firm texture. Add half of the whipped cream to the cold custard cream. When you reach a smooth airy texture, add the other half of the cream as well and mix. Pipe 30 gr in small tube mold and place the frozen castella inside. Freeze.
Heat the Miroir Glassage Chocolate Blanc until it reaches a temperature of 38°C.Glaze the frozen mousse and decorate with a yellow chocolate tuille.
Place a frozen Passionata sphere on top and let defrost for 5 minutes. Cut mini cubes of the Castella and place them on top of the Passionata sphere.
You can also make a big/thick tray of the Castella. This is easy to cut into cubes.
Indulge in a classic Mimosa Cake with Tegral Biscuit and Passionata. A heavenly dessert for any occasion. Try it now!"
Indulge guilt-free with our Healthy Mimosa Cake recipe! Tegral Biscuit and Passionata combine for a delectable treat. Try it now!
Indulge in sustainability with our Tegral Satin Momosa Cake recipe. Using Ambiante, Belcolde, and Patisfrance for a guilt-free treat!
This Mother’s Day, surprise your customers with the Italian classic and let them discover and indulge with the delicious Mimosa Cake. An interesting history and exquisite taste, find out how this Italian classic can boost your business.