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Recipe: Cheesecake Finger

10 Jul 2017

Deli Cheesecake

Recipe: Cheesecake Finger


Crumble Base
  • 56 g of Butter
  • 56 g of Brown Sugar
  • 43 g of Puravita Decor Multiseed
  • 56 g of Flour
  • 200 g of Belcolade Lait Selection (melted)
  • 300 g of Belcolade Praliné Hazelnut


Working Method

Crumble Base
  1. Mix butter, brown sugar, Puravita Decor Multiseed and our together to obtain a dough and push through a big sieve. 
  2. Cool down before crumbling on a tray and bake for approximately 15 min. at 180°C.
  3. When cooled down, mix together with melted Belcolade Lait Selection and Belcolade Praliné Hazelnut. 
  4. Cool down before cutting into wanted size, and then roll out between paper.
  1. Fill the silicon mould with Deli Cheesecake and bake at 180 C° for approximately 15 min.
  2. Freeze and demould, and then stick on the crumble base. 
  3. Heat up the Miroir Glassage Neutre to 40°C. 
  4. Mix to remove air. 
  5. Add Topfil Raspberry to the Cheesecake Finger with a spatula, and then glaze with Miroir Glassage Neutre. 
  6. Decorate with fresh fruits(raspberries).