In order to inspire you to develop new products that answer the latest consumer needs, our subsidiaries are organizing live streaming on different Social Media channels. During these online sessions, you will learn everything about the latest market trends and the most performant technical solutions.
Because we are your reliable partner in innovation and beyond. More than ever, you can rely on us. #RelyOnUs
Here is one of the live videos held by Puratos Centroamérica showcasing Waldo Deroo, International Technical Advisor for Bakery, who is sharing tips and tricks to bake different types of bread.
More videos from this subsidiary are available here.
As goes for everyone, at Puratos, the health emergency caused by Coronavirus is having a significant impact on our work and our daily lives.
We would like to inform you that, in full compliance with local authority guidelines around the world, Puratos has taken all the internal measures necessary to strengthen the health and safety of our employees and business partners, as well as to continue to ensure the production and supply of our products to all our customers.
We are issuing some articles to help guide you through these challenging times:
More articles are available on our website.