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Wasabi & Ginger Delight

12 Aug 2016


The unique blend of rich Carat Coverlux Dark with a burst of wasabi peas and a touch of candied ginger allows for a bold, crunchy and spicy taste sensation that demands to be savored.


For 1 full sheet pan:  

  • 1,8 Kg of Carat Coverlux Dark SH
  • Candied ginger
  • Wasabi peas

Working method:

  1. Start by lining a baking sheet
  2. Pour the melted chocolate and spread evenly using a spatula by making it as thin as you like.

Other recipes are also available!

Ask your local Puratos representative for other recipes or read this article to create Coffee barks!

More information?

For more information about Carat and its use for the decoration of bakery products or soft textured products such as cakes, brownies, swiss rolls, mousses and patisserie products, visit our website!

Other recipes are also available!