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Trois Chocolats Sustainable

7 Aug 2023


Discover our sustainable version of the Trois Chocolats for your customers’ End of Year festivities. With all the chocolate elements in this delicious recipe, we were able to explore the endless possibilities of the Plant Based options that Puratos has to offer, as well as replacing the chocolate with the Cacao Trace alternatives.

Discover this delicious and sustainable take on the Trois Chocolats!

Chocolate Plant Based Cake


Working Method

Mix all ingredients together for 4 minutes on medium speed. Spread the batter out till 7 mm thickness and bake. When its cold cut squares of 4 cm and keep aside.

White Chocolate Mousse


Working Method

Boil the rice milk and pour it over chocolate and cocoa butter. Mix until it is smooth and homogeneous. Whip the Ambiante until you obtain an airy texture. When the temperature of the chocolate mixture reaches 27°C, add the whipped Ambiante. Pour 25 g in a square silicone mold and freeze

Milk Chocolate Mousse


Working Method

Boil the rice milk and pour it over chocolate. Mix until it is smooth and homogeneous. Whip the Ambiante until you obtain an airy texture. When the temperature of the chocolate mixture reaches 28°C, add the whipped Ambiante. Pour 25 g on top of the white chocolate mousse and freeze.

Dark Chocolate Mousse


Working Method

Boil the water and pour it over chocolate. Mix until it is smooth and homogeneous. Whip the Ambiante until you obtain an airy texture. When the temperature of the chocolate mixture reaches 28°C, add the whipped Ambiante. Pour 25 g on top of the milk chocolate mousse and place a chocolade cake on top. Freeze.



Working Method

Boil the water and pour it over chocolate. Mix until it is smooth andhomogeneous. Whip the Ambiante until you obtain an airy texture. When thetemperature of the chocolate mixture reaches 28°C, add the whippedAmbiante. Pour 25 g on top of the milk chocolate mousse and place anchocolade cake on top. Freeze.



Working Method

Decorate with a chocolate snowflake stamp.


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