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Recipe: Loafbread Apple Apricot & Figs

26 Jan 2018



Dough ingredients

  • 1000 g (100%) of Flour
  • 560 g (56%) of Water
  • 400 g (40%) of Softgrain 5-Grain* 
  • 100 g (10%) of Dried apple
  • 80 g (8%) of Dried apricot 
  • 80 g (8%) of Dried figs 
  • 40 g (4%) of O-tentic Durum* (Active bakery component)
  • 15 g (1.5%) of Salt

*Puratos product

Working Method


  1. Mixing spiral: 5 min. slow and 8 min. fast. Add inclusions during the last 2 min.
  2. Dough temperature: 25 - 27°C
  3. Bulk fermentation: 30 min. at ambient temperature
  4. Scale: 480 g
  5. Intermediate proof: 20 min. at ambient temperature

Make up

  1. Make up: Shape as a bloomer
  2. Final fermentation: 60 min. at 28° C and 80% R.H.

Decoration before baking

  1. Dust with flour and score once.


  1. Oven temperature: 250°C and drop to 200° C
  2. Baking time: 30 min.