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Pineapple Sun

12 May 2021


This recipe is part of the Belcolade Live Demo, a series of webinars during which our Belcolade Chocolate Experts do not only share a recipe from A to Z but also answer live questions from participants.  Click here to know more about the upcoming Belcolade Live Demos and how to register.

Composition: (For 50 pieces off individual cake)

  1. Coconuts dacquoise
  2. Pineapple cream
  3. Pineapple compote
  4. Coconuts mousse

1. Coconuts dacquoise:


Whisk the egg whites, add the sugar and mix delicately with spatula the rest of the ingredients

Using a piping bag with an 10 mm nozzle, pipe a little balls off 6 cm diameter and dusting with coconut powder and icing sugar

Bake in the oven at 170°C for approximately 20 mn

2. Pineapple cream


Mix the pineapple purée in a saucepan with the sugar and the eggs and bring to the boil while whisking continuously

After bringing to the boil, remove from the beat, add the softened gelatin and strain everything through a fine cone-shaped strainer

Cool to 36°C then add the butter and mix with mixer

Immediately after, pour the pineapple cream in small silicone sphere 4 cm diameter 

Return to the freezer at -30°C

3. Pineapple compote


Mix the pineapple chop with pineapple purée and sugar, cook gently in saucepan approximately 20 mn

Add the gelatin leaves and  zests off green lemon

Let cool completely in a fridge (4°C) before using

4. Coconut mousse


Mix the Puratos Tegral Patacrout with butter. Add the eggs and other ingredients. Mix until you obtain a firm homogenous mass. Keep in the fridge. Laminate the shortcrust at 2.5 mm and cut Éclair shapes. Bake on a Silpain® baking sheet for 10 minutes at 180°C.

5. Chocolate Glaze


Make a crème anglaise with the coconuts milk, sugar, eggs yolk and poach everything at 85°C

Add the gelatin leaves and strain everything through a fine cone-shaped strainer

Mix directly after the crème anglaise with white chocolate extra selection cacao trace

When the mix is at 35°C, add the whipped fresh cream and mix slowly with one Maryse 

Using this cream directly after for build your cakes