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Create delicious croissants

1 Jun 2016


Our bakers and patissiers have developed a delicious recipe to inspire you to create a croissant your customers will not forget!

What is it all about?

A cracking sound, a golden beauty, perfect layers, an exquisite sensory experience of melting in the mouth and its taste… that makes you close your eyes and enjoy the pleasure and quality.
It’s exactly what we want a consumer to feel when eating your croissant which is why we share with you our Mimetic Recipe. 

  • 1000 g of Flour
  • 500 g of Water (±)
  • 50 g of Yeast (fresh)
  • 20 g of Salt
  • 100 g of Sugar
  • 50 g of Mimetic (in the dough)
  • 20 g of S-500 Acti-Plus 
  • 500 g of Mimetic (lamination)

Working method

Mixing ingredients on slow speed for 4 min and on fast speed for 4 min
Dough Temperature: 21°C.

Place 30 min in the freezer, then proceed in one single fold.
Scale 60 g.

Make Up: 
Roll out 2,8 mm cut triangles from 11 cm base and 22 cm high. 
Roll up like croissant.
Final Fermentation: ± 90’ at 28°C 85% RH.

Before Baking Glaze with Sunset Glaze.
Oven Temperature: 210°C.
Baking Time: ± 18 min 

More information?

Mimetic from Puratos is an exceptional new generation lamination fat, specially developed for laminated products. 
It’s based on a careful selection of ingredients, a rich tradition of sourdough, and years of experience in bakery applications and crystallisation technology.
Looking for more information about Mimetic or to get in touch with one of our sales team? Contact your Puratos local representative