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Brownie Figs and Wine

29 Mar 2023



  • Choclanté 60 Days crumble
  • Brownie dough for Brownie figs and wine

Choclanté 60 Days crumble


Working Method

  1. Mix the soft butter with the sugar, trehalose and salt.
  2. Add almond powder and cake flour.
  3. Fold in the melted Chocolanté 60DAYS Vietnam Dark 74% Cacao-Trace.
  4. Roll dough out at 1 cm.
  5. Let the crumble harden in the fridge.
  6. Cut the crumble into small cubes (1 x 1 x 1 cm).

Brownie dough for Brownie figs and wine


Working Method

  1. Cut the macerated figs into small pieces. Set aside.
  2. Mix the soft butter, sugar and cassonade in a bowl (don't whip).
  3. Add the melted Chocolanté 60DAYS Vietnam Dark 74% Cacao-Trace (40℃).
  4. While mixing, slowly add the eggs.
  5. Add the cake flour.
  6. Fold in the macerated figs.
  7. Spread in a frame on baking paper (53 x 38 cm).
  8. Divide the cubes of Chocolanté 60DAYS crumble on top of the dough (600 g).
  9. Divide the semi dry figs (not macerated) over the dough (180 g).
  10. Deck oven: up: 190℃, down: 180℃ for 35 minutes.
  11. Leave to cool down and cut into strips of 3 by 10 cm and dip them in tempered Chocolanté 60DAYS Vietnam Dark 74% Cacao-Trace. 

Nutritional Facts