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Muffin Delights

Apricot Muffin recipe

12 Sep 2019



  1. Base
  2. Filling

1. Base - 100g


Working method

  1. Mix all the ingredients to make the base for 2 min. at slow speed using a fl at beater.
  2. Mix another 2 min. at medium speed until a homogeneous batter is obtained.


2. Filling - 15g


Working method

  1. Pipe 30 g of batter in a muffin mould.
  2. Pipe 15 g Vivafi l Apricot 30% Sugar Reduced on the batter. Pipe again 70 g of batter on the filling
  3. Bake approc. 30 min at 180°C, close damper.

Nutritional Values (per 100g)