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White Russian Cocktail Swiss Roll

6 Oct 2022


  1. X Press Sponge 
  2. Splendid Mokka Cream 
  3. Belcolade White Chocolate Shavings 

Make and bake a tray of X press sponge. Make the Splendid mokka cream and put a layer on the sponge and make a Swiss roll. Freeze and cut. Cover with the whipped Splendid cream and cover with the chocolate shavings and finish with the Splendid .



Xpress Sponge

Put the water the classic mokka in the bottom of the mixing bowl and pour the X press Savoie on top. Mix for 5 min in high speed with a whisk. Make trays 40/60 Approx 3 mm thikness. Bake 210 C° for approx 6 min. After baking remove directly from the hot tray to avoid drying out of the sponge and pack if you do not use directly.

Splendid Mokka Cream

Whip the Splendid cream and the classic together and put a layer on the sponge and roll it .