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Tarte Matcha Kalamansi

Tarte Matcha Kalamansi

30 Jun 2019



  1. Sable Breton Matcha 
  2. Kalamansi Creamy 
  3. Mousse Ecuador 
  4. Spray chocolate 
  5. Merengue Italianne 
  6. Glaze

1. Sable Breton Matcha


Working method

  1. Mix all ingredients together to have a homogeneous dough.
  2.  Put in the fridge for a few hours. 
  3. Roll out to 8 mm. 
  4. Bake at 180°C until golden brown.

2. Kalamansi Creamy


Working method

  1. Boil the Passion, Kalamansi puree and sugar. 
  2. Add Eggs and mix till a smooth structure. Add the soaked gelatine. 
  3. When the composition have a temperature of 35°C mix the butter.

3. Mousse Ecuador


Working method

  1. Boil the fresh cream and pour on the chocolate. 
  2. When the Ganache reaches 35°C incorporate the whipped Cream.

4. Merengue Italienne


Working method

  1. Cook the sugar (150g) and water till 121°C. 
  2. Whip the egg white and sugar (20g). 
  3. Add the sugar syrup very slowly on the egg white.

5. Spray chocolate


Working method

  1. Melt the chocolate and cacao butter at 40°C, mix together. 
  2. Spray on the frozen mousse.

6. Glaze