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Táo Cake

Táo Cake

18 Nov 2019



  1. Sweet Dough
  2. Almond Cream
  3. Poached Apple Yuzu
  4. Vietnam 45 Mousse

1. Sweet Dough


Working method

Mix the butter, sugar and salt at slow speed with a flat beater to obtain a homogeneous composition. Add the eggs, Noisettes Brutes Poudre PatisFrance and flour until a smooth and homogeneous paste is formed. Cover with plastic film and store at 4 °C at least 2 hours before use.

2. Almond Cream


Working method

Mix the butter, sugar and Amandes Brutes Poudre PatisFrance at slow speed with a flat beater to obtain a homogeneous composition. Gradually add eggs and lemon zest. Cover with plastic film and store at 4 °C at least 2 hours before use.

3. Poached Apple Yuzu


Working method

Bring water, yuzu juice and sugar to boil to make a syrup. Add the apples that you will have peeled and cut in half without the core. Keep it on the low heat, avoiding boiling, for about 15 minutes. Leave to cool down. Cover with plastic film and store at 4 °C at least 2 hours before use.

4. Vietnam 45 Mousse


Working method

Make a ganache with fresh cream 35% and Belcolade Origins Lait Vietnam 45% Cacao-Trace. Add pre-soaked and melted gelatin and mix with a hand blender. Add the whipped cream directly to the mixture and pour directly into moulds of 14 cm in diameter in Flexipan (180 g per mould).

Finam Assembly

Working method

Roll out the sweet dough with a thickness of 4 mm and put in circles of 16 cm in diameter and 2 cm high. Pipe in circles some almond cream (1.5 cm). Add poached, drained, quartered apples, and bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes. Leave to cool down. Finally, place on top the frozen chocolate mousse and spray with cocoa butter mixed 50/50 with Belcolade Selection Noir 65% Cacao-Trace at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.

Pairing tips with Belcolade Origins Lait Vietnam 45% Cacao-Trace