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Recipe: Flat Bread Cranberry Pecan

2 Jan 2018



Dough ingredients

  • 1000 g (100%) of Bread flour
  • 620 g (62%) of Water
  • 200 g (20%) of Dried cranberries
  • 200 g (20%) of Chocolate white chocolate chips
  • 150 g (15%) of Pecan pieces
  • 40 g (4%) of O-tentic Durum* (Active bakery component)
  • 30 g (3%) of Canola oil / Soy oil
  • 20 g (2%) of Salt
  • 20 g (2%) of Sugar

Working Method


  1. Mixing spiral: Mixing time variation: Long in 1st speed and shorter in 2nd (more short bite) or shorter in 1st speed and longer in 2nd speed.
  2. Dough temperature: 28 - 30°C.
  3. Bulk fermentation: 20 - 30 min. at room temparature.

Make up

  1. Make up: Gradually sheet down to a thickness of 3 mm. Cut into desired shape with pizza wheel-cutter and transfer pieces to a lightly floured or cornmealed board.
  2. Final fermentation: 20 min. at 30°C and 85% R.H.

Decoration before baking

  1. Brush with oil of choice and lightly decorate.


  1. Oven temperature: 290°C
  2. Baking time: 1 - 3 min.