17 Feb 2020
Mix the Amandes Blanchies Poudre PatisFrance, sugar and whole eggs at medium speed with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous composition. Once the mixture is well whipped, add gently the melted butter and sifted flour using a spatula. It the end, add whipped egg whites and remaining 50 g of sugar and mix carefully.
Spread out on 3 Silpats (40 cm x 60 cm) 600 g per plate and bake for about 6 minutes at 220 °C, depending on the oven.
Mix the ingredients at slow speed with a flat beater to obtain a homogeneous composition. Roll out this paste to 4 mm thickness and cut out circles of 18 cm in diameter. Bake on Silpain sheets for about 20 minutes at 180 °C. Keep dry before using.
Mix the Praliné Fluide Amande Doux 59% PatisFrance, almond milk and milk and heat up till 40°C. Add pre-soaked and melted gelatin and mix together with a hand blender. Finally, gently add the whipped cream and mix using a spatula.
Mould the mousse in circles or Flexipan of 16 cm in diameter (180 g per mould). Place over a Joconde biscuit circle of the same diameter and freeze before proceeding.
Mix frozen raspberries and sugar and heat up to 102°C. Leave to cool down to 50°C before adding pre-soaked and melted gelatin. In the end, add the Cointreau and cover with a film. Store at 4 °C.
Make a ganache with fresh cream 35% and Belcolade Origins Noir Papua New Guinea 73% Cacao-Trace. Add the whipped cream and mix gently with a spatula. Put the chocolate mousse in circles of 18 cm diameter and 4 cm high (180 g per mould). Add frozen almond mousse on top and put together in a freezer.
Heat up together milk, fresh cream 35% and glucose until boiling. Then pour this liquid onto Belcolade Selection Noir 65% Cacao- Trace and Belcolade Selection Noir Ebony chocolates, as for a ganache.
Add pre-soaked and melted gelatin and slightly heated Puratos Miroir L'original Neutre. In the end, add the raspberry coloring powder and mix everything with a hand blender. Cover with a film till it touches.
Store at 4 ° C.
Apply this glaze at 38 °C maximum on frozen products.