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Pineapple Castella Creative

6 Oct 2022



Pineapple Castella

Whip the Tegral Castella, eggs and honey for approximately 8 minutes on high speed (Density between 40-43). Add the oil and classic, mix for 1 minute on slow speed. Pipe the batter in a 20-30 cm frame covered with baking paper and bake.

  • Time: 50'
  • Top Temperature: 190°
  • Bottom Temperature: 190°
  • Closed

Shock the castella when it comes out of the oven


Ready to use


Cut the castella in two. Pipe the Vivafil in between and freeze. Cut the pineapple shapes out and burn with an iron pin the lines on top. Decorate with chocolate leaves.

Tips and Tricks

Place upside down for 5 minutes with a silpad on top to have a straight surface.

Nutritional value per 100 g