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Orange Melocake

15 Jan 2016


Melocake is mostly known as a Chocolate-coated marshmallow treat. However they are produced in many different variations around the world. Here is our very own Belcolade Noir Selection version with hints of orange flavours. This application is made using 3 recipes: Shortcrust, Orange Marmalade & Marshmallow.



  • 200 g of Puratos Aristo Primeur Croissant 
  • 50 g of PatisFrance Pistaches Vertes Poudre 
  • 500 g of Puratos Patacroute 
  • 70 g of egg  
  • 4 g of Baking powder 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • 2 g of salt 
  • 2 g of PatisFrance Arôme Naturel 400


  1. Mix everything together with a flat beater to obtain a homogeneous dough. 
  2. Roll out in 4 mm shapes, cut it with a dough cutter of 5 cm and bake the short crust at 190 °C for 12 min.

Orange Marmalade


  • 300 g of oranges
  • 125 g of glucose
  • 25 g of sugar 
  • 5 g of pectin NH


  1. Don’t peel the oranges, cut them into pieces and take off the seeds. 
  2. Boil for 5 min together with the glucose. 
  3. Mix the sugar and pectin and add to the mixture. 
  4. Mix everything together with a small mixer and boil this composition again for 3 min. 
  5. Let it cool down. 
  6. Pipe this filling on top of the baked shortcrust.



  • 17 g of Gelatin leave
  • 225 g of Sugar 
  • 70 g of Invert sugar 
  • 100 g of Invert sugar 
  • 75 g of Water 
  • 80 g of Belcolade Noir Absolu EBONY


  1. Soak the gelatine in cold water. Boil the water, 70 g invert sugar and sugar (225 g) to 110°C.
  2. Put the rest of the invert sugar (100 g) in a mixing bowl, pour on top the hot sugar syrup, add the soaked gelatine and whip up to a cold and aerated texture. 
  3. Pipe directly on the shortcrust base to cover the orange marmalade and let is set for 2 hours..

Final assembly

  • Temper the Belcolade Noir Selection C501/J and enrobe the marshmallows.

More information?

For more step-by-step recipes, background information and tips and tricks, visit our our website or contact your local Puratos representative!