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Nutty Madeleine

8 Sep 2021




Hazelnut Filling


Working Method


  • Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl with a paddle for 4 min. at low speed.
  • Pipe 30 g into a madeleine mold.
  • Bake (with a closed damper) at 220°C for 12-14 min. on a cooling rack.

Hazelnut Filling

  • Poke a hole in the flat side of the madeleine.
  • Fill the madeleine with 10 g of Carat Nuxel Hazelnut.


  • Heat up the Carat Cakau Milk to 40°C.
  • Dip the flat side of the madeleine into the coating and mold back into the same silicone mold that you baked it in.
  • Give a shock cooling to have a shiny effect.