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Laminated Brioche

15 May 2019

Sunset Glaze


  • Water (+/-) - 250g (13,5%)
  • Yeast fresh - 50g (2,7%) 
  • Eggs - 300g (16,2%) 
  • Tegral Brioche - 1000g (54,01%)
  • Mimetic (lamination)  - 250g (13,5%) 

Working method

  • Process: 
  1. Laminate to a 12 mm thick rectangle and place in the freezer for 30 min. 
  2. Incorporate the lamination fat, make a double turn then place in freezer for 30 min. Make another double fold and laminate to 5 mm. 
  3. Cut a 6 by 60cm rectangle and place in zig-zag in a rectangular mould. 
  • Final fermentation : +/- 1h45 at 27°C (depending on size). 
  • Decoration before baking : Brush lightly with Sunset Glaze 
  • Oven temperature : 170°C 
  • Baking time : +/- 40 min.