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Harmony Fruit Jar

8 Jul 2015


Delicious and healthy. Celebrate life’s special moments with our original and creative fruit jars with their crystal-like shine!



  • 500 g of Puratos Tegral Satin Moist Yellow
  • 100 g of Water
  • 200 g of Oil
  • 200 g of Whole eggs


  1. Mix all the ingredients for 4 minutes at medium speed with the paddle.
  2. Spread on one baking tray (40/60cm).
  3. Bake at 180°c for 10 minutes.

Orange Jelly


  • 500 g of  Puratos Harmony Classic Neutre
  • 500 g of Orange juice


  1. Mix all the ingredients for 4 minutes at medium speed with the paddle.
  2. Spread on one baking tray (40/60cm).
  3. Bake at 180°c for 10 minutes.

Create your own jelly: add any juice or fruit to Harmony Classic Neutre.



  • 450 g of Puratos Tegral Patacrout
  • 50 g of PatisFrance Almond Rapée
  • 200 g of Puratos Aristo Primeur Croissant
  • 50 g of Whole eggs
  • 1 Lemon zest
  • 1 Orange zest


  1. Mix all the ingredients to obtain a dough.
  2. Pass the dough through a big whole sieve.
  3. Bake at 170°c.

Find out more about our Harmony glazes and how it can give the perfect finishing touch to your fruit pies, cakes and puff pastries on our website