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Castella Classic

6 Oct 2022



Castella Cake Batter

In a mixing bowl with a whisk mix the tegral castella, eggs, and honeyfor 2mn at medium speed and 4 min at high speed. Add the oil and mix 1 min. at low speed. Density should be at 40-43 Spread on a 20X30 cm frame lined up with baking paper

  • Time: 50'
  • Oven Type: Deck
  • Top Temperature 180°
  • Bottom Temperature: 180°
  • Closed

Tips and Tricks

Coming out of the oven it is usual to drop the tray from a high of 10 to 15 cm to shock the cake and reduce the collapse then flip it over on abaking paper to cool down and keep the top moist.

Nutritional value per 100 g