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Recipe: Back to school brownies

30 Aug 2018




  • 500 g of Tegral Satin Cream Cake Belgian CL*
  • 225 g of Butter
  • 225 g of Eggs
  • 100 g of Belcolade Noir Selection*
  • 100 g of Roasted Pecan nuts


*Puratos product

Working Method


  1. Melt the Belcolade Noir Selection and the butter together.
  2. Melt the Tegral Satin Brownie CL and the eggs for 1 min at slow speed with a flat beater.
  3. Add the butter and the chocolate and mix with the flat beater until obtaining a smooth texutre. 
  4. Add the pecan nuts at the end.
  5. Spread regularly into a baking frame and bake at 180°C during 27-30 min., with a closed damper.
  6. Let cool down and cut to desired size.