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Balloon Sugar Reduced Chocolate


1 Dec 2019



  1. Base
  2. Soaking
  3. Chocolate Creamy
  4. Cheeze & Yuzu Mousse
  5. Glaze

1. Base - 30g


Working method

  1. Mix all the ingredients to make the base for 2 min. at slow speed using a flat beater. Mix another 2 min. at medium speed until a homogeneous batter is obtained.
  2. Fill ball shape molds of 4 cm diameter. Bake at 170°C for ± 15 min. Unmould and allow to cool down. Put in the freezer.


2. Soaking - 20g


Working method

  1. Realize a syrup with all the ingredients for soaking.
  2. Allow to cool down before using.
  3. Dip the frozen cake ball into it quickly. Set aside.

3. Chocolate Creamy - 10g


Working method

  1. For the Chocolate Creamy, make a crème anglaise and pour over the chocolate.
  2. Mix using a hand blender and use a half sphere mould of 3 mm diameter.

4. Cheeze & Yuzzu Mousse - 30g


Working method

  1. Soak the gelatin in the water. 
  2. Boil the first 5 ingredients and add the soaked gelatin. 
  3. Mix the mascarpone and cream cheese until a smooth texture is obtained. 
  4. While mixing, slowly add the warm mixture. Incorporate the soft whipped cream. 

5. Glaze - 5g


Working method


  1. Heat it to 4°C and dip the balloon into the glaze.

Nutritional Values (per 100g)