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Cryst-o-fil Nutty Mignardise

29 Mar 2023



  • Milk Chocolate
  • Nutty Filling
  • Giuanduja Cream

Milk Chocolate

Working Method

Temper the Belcolade Selection Lait 35% Cacao-Trace and spread out at a thickness of 2 mm. Leave to set for 3 min. at a room temperature of 20-22°C. Cut out disks of 3 cm diameter and set aside. 

Nutty Filling


Working Method

Soften the PatisFrance Gianduja 36% and mix to have a homogeneous pipeable texture. Pipe 4 g of the filling on the crystalized disks and place a stick in the center. Leave to set for 10 min in a fridge at 16°C.

Milk Chocolate


Working Method

Temper the Belcolade Selection Lait 35% Cacao-Trace and dip the decorated round sticks in the tempered chocolate before setting.

Before the tempered chocolate is set, sprinkle some flax seeds and chia seeds on top. Leave to set for 5 min. at a room temperature of 20-22°C. Place in a fridge at 16°C and leave to crystalize for 20 min.

Giuanduja Cream


Working Method

Soften the Belcolade Cryst-o-fil Lait* and add the PatisFrance Gianduja 36%. Whip this mixture until aerated and pipeable. Pipe a nice swirl of this nutty filling on top of the previous part and decorate with a chocolate decoration made from Belcolade Selection Lait Cacao-Trace.

Nutritional Facts