Specialty Patisserie Mixes enable you to make a special variety of cake quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
We regularly review and revise our mixes to keep pace with consumer trends. Our collaboration with international patissiers also enables us to develop our products in line with their requirements.
What’s more, thanks to our global presence and R&D capabilities, we’ve been able to diversify and enrich our assortment with local specialties from different regions.
The practical benefits include:
Our specialty cake mixes enable you to differentiate your products through:
Mixture for the preparation of sponge & chiffon cakes. Gives your pastry a traditional taste and nice volume.
Discover new business opportunities with the latest global and local trends that Taste Tomorrow offers.
No matter what your needs are in bakery, patisserie, and chocolate competence centers, we are here for you, ready to guide you through each step of the product creation journey