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Cake improvers

Our cake improvers are a range of products that provide convenience and quality. Thanks to our expertise we deliver high performance improvers that will help your tackle your challenges.

What is a cake improver ?

A cake improver is a special enzyme based technology that enables you to improve a functionality of your batter or final cake. It acts as the missing piece of your cake puzzle that allows you to attain excellence.

What are the advantages of cake improvers?

  •  Improved quality and differentiated cakes 
  • Increased efficiency thanks to faster product development, easier implementation, greater flexibility

Why use Puratos' cake improvers?

  • Long heritage of cake improvement
  • Superior cake quality 
  • Innovation through constant improvement and new product ideas in line with customer needs and consumer preferences

Discover our patisserie solutions for your country

Cake improvers




Acti range has a proven positive effect on the different parameters of cake freshness including softness, moistness, cohesiveness and resiliency.

Taste Tomorrow

Discover new business opportunities with the latest global and local trends that Taste Tomorrow offers.

Grow your business with our services

No matter what your needs are in bakery, patisserie, and chocolate competence centers, we are here for you, ready to guide you through each step of the product creation journey