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Freshness. Melting sensation. Clean(er) Label

As soft sweet baked products such as donuts and panettone become ever more popular, producers are under pressure to deliver quality goods with better texture and longer-lasting freshness. 

That is why Puratos created Soft’r Melting, a clean(er) label technology solution that enhances the freshness of sweet bakery products by increasing the softness, moistness, short bite and resilience of baked goods, from the beginning until the end of shelf life. Soft’r Melting also creates a melting sensation that will make your bread products seem even more indulgent than ever.

Thanks to Soft’r Melting you can now create products with a more enjoyable texture, a longer shelf life, and – since the breads remain fresher for longer – lower levels of waste.

Product benefits :


  • No more compromise on the texture of soft and sweet breads.
  • Unique combination of moistness, softness, resilience and very short bite.
  • Convenient products thanks to their non fragile texture.
  • A longer freshness than products currently on the market:  Geographic expansion and less waste
  • Supreme melting experience.
  • The possibility to choose from a broader variety of products.
  • Clean(er) label

Contact us for more information!