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Palais Orange

Palais Orange

18 Nov 2019



  1. Almond Crumble
  2. Joconde Almond Biscuit
  3. Orange Passion Compote
  4. Chocolate Mousse
  5. Cacao Glaze

1. Almond Crumble


Working method

Mix the ingredients at slow speed with a flat beater to obtain a homogeneous composition. Roll out this paste to 5 mm thickness and cut out circles of 18 cm in diameter. Bake on a Silpain sheets for about 20 minutes at 180 °C. Keep dry before using.

2. Joconde Almond Biscuit


Working method

Mix the Amandes Blanchies Poudre PatisFrance and sugar at slow speed with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous composition. Add the eggs and mix on high speed until white. Gently add melted butter and sifted flour using a spatula. In the end, add whipped egg whites and remaining 50 g of sugar and mix carefully with a spatula. Spread out on a Silpat 600 g per plate and bake at 230 °C for about 6 minutes, depending on the oven.

3. Orange Passion Compote


Working method

Mix in the bowl of a Thermomix, the orange purée, the passion fruit purée and the sugar mix with the pectin. Cook at 102 ° C and add at the end of cooking process, without mixing, the previously thinly cut and blanched orange zests. Finally add the pre-soaked and melted gelatin. Cover with a plastic film that it touches. Store at 4 °C.

4. Chocolate Mousse


Working method

Mix the fresh cream with the crushed cloves and heat up until boiling. Sieve this liquid onto Belcolade Origins Noir Papua New Guinea 73% Cacao-Trace chocolate drops and mix until the ganache is homogeneous. Then add the whipped cream and finish the mixture with a spatula. Use the mousse directly for assembling the entremets.

5. Cacao Glaze


Working method

Mix and heat up together fresh cream 35%, water and sugar until boiling. Add the Belcolade Premium Dutch Cocoa Powder and continue cooking for 2 to 3 minutes mixing constantly with a whisk. Add pre-soaked and melted gelatin, mix with the hand blender and sieve everything. Cover with plastic film that it touches. Store at 4 ° C. Apply this glaze at 32-35 °C maximum on frozen products.

Final Assembly

Working method

Spread 120 g of orange passion compote on a Joconde biscuit disc 16 cm in diameter, cover with a second disc of Joconde biscuit, and freeze everything. Pour into a circle of 18 cm in diameter 180 g of chocolate mousse. Place directly on the top a Joconde biscuit disc with frozen orange passion compote and return to the freezer. After freezing the mousse, glaze the entremet and place it on a bottom of baked crumble. Decorate at your convenience.

Pairing tips with Belcolade Origins Noir Papua New Guinea 73% Cacao-Trace