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How to make your chocolate brownies extra creamy

21 Sep 2015


Follow this step-by-step article to easily add an extra creamy texture to your chocolate brownie recipe with Carat Decorcrem! Your customers will love the results!

  • Prepare Carat Decorcrem Dark according to the melting instructions

  • Enrobe brownie in Carat Decorcrem Dark and smooth with an offset spatula

  • Remove edges of brownies

  • Lightly mark the brownie into squares.

  • Smear the Carat Decorcrem Dark over the brownie

  • Cut the brownie into squares using a clean, warm knife.

  1. Lightly mark desired brownie segments
  2. Stripe brownie with Carat Decorcrem Dark
  3. With a clean, warm knife, cut brownie segments

For more information about Carat Decocrem and its use for the decoration of bakery products or soft textured products such as cakes,  brownies, swiss rolls, mousses and patisserie products, visit our website