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A case study on our Soft’r Melting technology in brioche

23 Oct 2015


Combining the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method with the Sensobus to understand consumer preference and perception

In a previous article we explained the use of a new sensory tool, called Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) to help us understand how consumers will perceive a brioche with our Soft’r Melting technology inside. In this article, we share the findings of the consumer survey conducted with our Sensobus

First let’s recap. The TDS evaluations conducted with our internal expert sensory panel, revealed differences in dominating  texture and flavour attributes during consumption of the brioches with various improvers.

The brioche made with our Soft’ Melting technology, is the only one that is characterized by a soft and moist texture and already triggers some dairy flavour at the moment the brioche is in the mouth.

The perception of the brioche with our Basic Freshness improver and the brioche with Basic improver, start with dominance of dryness and chewiness.The brioche with Basic Freshness improver shows already some sweetness perception during the mastication, while for the brioche with Basic improver, the flavour perception only picks up towards the moment of aftertaste.

Sensobus study results

A sensobus consumer study was performed in Belgium with the 3 brioches mentioned before.
The three brioche samples were given to the consumers without giving any further info on the applications. Around 140 consumers tasted the brioches and gave their opinion.

After tasting the three brioches it was asked to the consumers if they had a preference for one brioche. More than 80% of the consumers indicated to have a preferred brioche, 61% of the consumers said that the brioche with our Soft’r Melting technology was the most preferred, 23% indicated the brioche with the standard freshness improver and 16% the brioche with the basic improver without freshness technology.

The reasons why they preferred one brioche over the other was mainly related to the mouthfeel, freshness, texture, ease of eating and taste of the brioche. It’s very clear that the benefits of Soft’r Melting;  softness, moistness, resilience and short bite to bakery applications; are very noticeable and appreciated  by consumers. Even the taste of the brioche was more appreciated by consumers when the Soft’r Melting technology was used, this is probably due to the freshness aspect.

Soft’r Melting technology is an improver solution that allows you to create the perfect melting texture for medium and sweet bread applications, from the day they are made to the end of their shelf life.

View the attached video to know more about our Soft’r Melting technology: 


Our Sensobus allowed us to measure a consumer preference for the brioche with Soft’r Melting technology.
With the internal expert panel we found clear differences in dominating texture and flavour perception during consumption.
Combing these evaluations can help us to understand consumer preferences for brioche. Consumers prefer a brioche where dryness is not dominating and the flavours are already catching the attention at an early stage in the consumption.
Considering that during consumption all attributes are simultaneously competing for our attention, the achievement of flavour dominance during mastication, can be a valuable differentiator. 

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