Autolyse: mix the Tegral Puravita Oat & flour with 55% of the water for 3 min and let rest for 30 min. Add yeast and mix for 6' in 1st speed & 7' 2nd speed. Add rest of the water the last 2 minutes of mixing.
Dough Temperature:
26 °C
Bulk fermentation
20 min. ambient temperature with one fold after 10 min.
Intermediate Proof:
15 min.
Make up:
Make long and place on plate.
Final fermentation:
+/- 45 min. at 28°C and 85% humity.
Decoration before baking:
Dust with rye flour and cut 2 times. Proof another 5 min. after cutting.
Oven temperature °C
Baking time
45 min., open damper the last 5 min.
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