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Easy does it: 3 x convenient on-the-go snacks

9 Mar 2017

Cake and sponge mixes

Consumer eating patterns are shifting. As a result, people are eating more and more on-the-go snacks. The global baked goods industry is looking to evolve its offering to better match the demand for convenient on-the-go eating solutions. Easy does it! Why not try out these recipes?

Cherry and Almond Tarts to share

Instead of a big pie or cake, opt for an offering of small tarts that are ideal to share or take away. Try this delicious combination with cherries and almonds.

Bite-sized Cake Pops

Cake Pops are a great way to offer your customers a convenient bite-sized cake snack. They also allow you to explore and innovate with shapes and flavours!

On-the-go Carrot Cupcakes

An evergreen adapted for on-the-go consumption. Offer your customers the ultimate convenience solution: carrot cupcakes. Thanks to Acti-Fresh, the delicious sweet flavour is preserved along with the soft and creamy texture.

Wondering how Puratos can help you create your own on-the-go range? Don’t hesitate to contact your local Puratos representative for more help.