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Recipe : Lava Cheesecake - USA


Short crust

Cheesecake filling


Working Method:

Short Crust

  1. Mixing - Mix all ingredients to a homogenous dough. Laminate to 3 mm and shape the shells.
  2. Baking - Bake at 180°C for 15 min (half baked) damper open.

Cheesecake filling

  1. Mixing - Make an anglaise cream (85°C) with the first 4 ingredients. Pour through a sift on top of the cheesecake and lemon juice. Mix together and fill the pre-baked tart shells.


  1. Shaping - Shape the tart shells and bake 15 min (half-bake). Allow to cool down and fill with the cheesecake composition and freeze. Once frozen, add egg wash and bake directly (frozen).
  2. Baking - Bake at 190°C for approx. 15 min.
  3. Decor - The Cheesecake filling has to be creamy after baking. After cooling down, decorate with a chocolate disc and a fresh raspberry.

Tegral Patacrout

  • Quick to prepare & Easy to use
  • Batter can be shaped and/or laminated directly after preparation – not needed to settle in the fridge


Mimetic is a new generation of specialty fat for incorporation providing real butter sensation.

  • Plant-based premium quality end-product
  • Excellent melting behavior and intense taste
  • Ease of use like margarine, incl. ambient storage
  • Cost reduction vs butter

Deli Cheesecake

  • Deli Cheesecake is a convenient solution to make cheesecake without the need for water baths or long baking times. And it also serves as a base for many other cheesecake recipes with the true taste of a traditional cheesecake (as it contains 30% cream cheese and eggs)
  • Ready to use and ready to bake
  • Excellent bake stability
  • Apply either before or after baking!
  • Storage at ambient temperature
  • Offering versatility: In taste and texture as well as shape and size

Market insights & consumer trends

Cheesecake in one form or another has been around for thousands of years. Today consumers pay attention to texture as much as taste. This Lava Cheesecake reinvents the classic and offer full indulgence thanks to his melting cheesecake centre.

Shelf life: Few days

RSP & margin%: -

Freezable: No

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